New to AEDs and sudden cardiac arrest? These fifteen facts will enable you to readily familiarize yourself with all-things AED.

Fact I: Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is a leading cause of death in the United States, killing nearly 300,000 every year.

Fact II: SCA can strike persons of any age, gender, race and health.

Fact III: An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a device used to administer an electric shock and restore the heart's normal rhythm.

Fact IV: Ventricular fibrillation (VF) is the abnormal heart rhythm that most often leads to sudden cardiac arrest. It is treatable with an AED.

Fact V:The survival rate for SCA is less than 5%. This is due to limited AED accessibility.

Fact VI: If an SCA victim receives defibrillation through an AED within the first minute, the survival rate is 90%.

Fact VII: For every minute that passes without defibrillation, survival decreases by 7 - 10%.

Fact VIII: 30% - 50% of SCA victims would survive if AEDs were used within five minutes.

Fact IX: If the AED determines the victim's heart is in VF, the AED will recommend a defibrillating shock.

Fact X: If a person does not need an AED shock, the AED will not deliver.

Fact XI: All AED devices have voice prompts, enabling untrained bystanders to easily administer therapy with an AED.

Fact XII: If defibrillation is delayed by more than ten minutes, the survival rate is less than 5%.

Fact XIII: 20% of police cars carry an AED or defibrillator.

Fact XIV: SCA occurs most often in the home (57% - 75%), which are often unequipped with an AED.

Fact XV: AED electrodes collect information about the heart's rhythm and deliver the shock for the AED.

With just these fifteen facts, it's clear to see the importance of ready access to an AED.