Fact I: Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is a leading cause of death in the United States, killing nearly 300,000 every year.
Fact II: SCA can strike persons of any age, gender, race and health.
Fact III: An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a device used to administer an electric shock and restore the heart's normal rhythm.
Fact IV: Ventricular fibrillation (VF) is the abnormal heart rhythm that most often leads to sudden cardiac arrest. It is treatable with an AED.
Fact V:The survival rate for SCA is less than 5%. This is due to limited AED accessibility.
Fact VI: If an SCA victim receives defibrillation through an AED within the first minute, the survival rate is 90%.
Fact VII: For every minute that passes without defibrillation, survival decreases by 7 - 10%.
Fact VIII: 30% - 50% of SCA victims would survive if AEDs were used within five minutes.
Fact IX: If the AED determines the victim's heart is in VF, the AED will recommend a defibrillating shock.
Fact X: If a person does not need an AED shock, the AED will not deliver.
Fact XI: All AED devices have voice prompts, enabling untrained bystanders to easily administer therapy with an AED.
Fact XII: If defibrillation is delayed by more than ten minutes, the survival rate is less than 5%.
Fact XIII: 20% of police cars carry an AED or defibrillator.
Fact XIV: SCA occurs most often in the home (57% - 75%), which are often unequipped with an AED.
Fact XV: AED electrodes collect information about the heart's rhythm and deliver the shock for the AED.