Dental AED Packages
The American Dental Association strongly recommends its member dentists provide their patients with the additional security and peace of mind of an AED and now many states are requiring dentists and dental offices within their state to own an AED. New York State most recently joined the list, and come January 1st, 2012, New York State dentists will be required by law to own and maintenance an AED.
AEDs Today has created a number of AED packages specifically for dentists and dental offices. The Dental AED Packages provides dentists and dental offices with all of the essentials of an AED program that will have them properly prepared for sudden cardiac arrest, in addition to being fully compliant with their state laws. Whether you're a dentist in New York, Massachusetts, Illinois, Wisconsin, or a state that does not yet require its dentists to own an AED, an AED is always strongly recommend for a medical office of any sort.