Posted by Dan Cromar on 6/10/2015 to
Summer is about exploring, dreaming and driving parents batty for most kids. Finally, the kids are free to enjoy all that life has to offer. Responsible parents need to bring a healthy range of snacks to keep the little ones energized.
Children don't really have a very good hunger gauge. Either they are just fine or they are hungry. And when they are hungry, they want food now! Here are 5 healthy snacks to satisfy your child's hunger quickly.
Granola Bars
These aren't your grandparents granola bars. Granola bars might have fruit, chocolate, peanuts or marshmallow in them nowadays.
Usually, you can find a good assortment of these bars to satisfy your child's hunger. You can purchase either the chewy or crunchy varieties.
Granola bars are 1. durable allowing you to put them in lunch boxes and 2. full of great energy nutrients to help the digestive system.
Sometimes, we forget about the tried-and-true snack favorite: pudding. Pudding can be made of reduced sugar alternatives.
Vanilla, chocolate, butterscotch, banana or caramel flavors are sure to be a hit. Pudding is easy on the stomach and great for kids who might feel under the weather.
Greek or regular yogurt provides the healthy dose of dairy that is great for your child's bones.
The number of flavors is amazing and sure to please: blueberry, peach, vanilla, chocolate or combinations. Fruit-filled yogurt gives children a dosage from this all important food group to keep them regular.
Each child will probably develop his or her favorite yogurt flavor. You can even mix in other ingredients for a higher dose of nutrition.
Yogurt has important enzymes to assist with your child's digestive system.
Every color has its own special nutritional value.
Orange vegetables, such as carrots, have more beta-carotene that is very important for eyesight. Carrots are also very important as a source of Vitamin A. Vitamin A is important for cell growth, tissue and lung development.
Carrots are durable and nice and crispy. They will tend to last longer than other snack items.
Fig Newtons
Don't forget Nabisco Fig Newtons. Nabisco has made a snack that kids and parents will love.
In 2 x cookies, there are only 110 calories, 2 grams of fat and 130 mgs of sodium. You can't go wrong with a couple of Fig Newtons during the summer.
A variety of healthy summer snacks will keep your kids happy and full of energy. Prevent illnesses by planning ahead with some of these great food choices.
When you mix-and-match, you will be able to offer a little from all of the four food groups. Enjoy the summer time with healthy snacks for kids.