Posted by Dan Cromar on 10/21/2015 to
Millions of kids can't wait to dress up for Halloween and indulge in gooey, sugary treats. Parents, however, would love some healthier alternatives to all the sugar. The following are 8 healthy treats that kids will love.
1. Honey Sticks
These treats are not only sweet and great tasting, but they're something different that kids will love to get. Honey sticks are made from natural honey and are reasonably priced on Amazon. While honey and sugar do have some of the same ingredients, honey is a natural sweetener. According to Prevention, honey is also rich in antioxidants.
2. Popcorn Balls
This is a snack that the little goblins can munch on while still enjoying Halloween festivities without making a mess. Make sure the popcorn is air popped and not microwaved. Popcorn balls can be made even healthier by adding honey or unsweetened butter instead of using heavy corn syrup.
3. Chocolate Pretzels
The Daily Meal suggests making chocolate dipped pretzels for kids' trick or treat bags. Make it even more healthy by dipping the pretzels in dark chocolate. Kids will love a few orange sprinkles on the top.
4. String Cheese
String cheese is not only a fun treat that's easy to eat, but it's loaded with healthy ingredients. Cheese is high in calcium and also has protein. Choose a string cheese that's organic or made from skim milk and it's even healthier. This snack is not only healthy but most kids love pulling it apart and eating it.
5. Dried Fruit
Drying fruit removes the water but not the nutrients. This makes dried fruit a sweet, tasty snack that makes a great treat instead of filling up on candy. The options for this snack are as varied as the choices for fruit. Make sure to pick fruit that doesn't have any added sugar or preservatives. If you can find freeze dried fruit, that's even better. The freeze dried process leaves the fruit crispy, but still with all the nutrients.
6. Trail Mix
Little baggies of trail mix are healthy snacks that can be made of whatever you happen to have in the cabinet. Peanuts, almonds, and cashews are all great high-protein nuts that can be put into the baggy. Raisins and granola can also be added. For extra punch add some yogurt covered fruit.
7. Mini-Muffins
The different kinds of muffins that can be chosen are almost endless. If you're willing to bake instead of buy, you can even add some veggies by making carrot or zucchini muffins. Even packaged muffins are yummy and several varieties can be found either low fat or low calorie.
8. Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
Crispy, crunchy roasted pumpkin seeds are not only in keeping with the season but they're nutritional as well. These tiny seeds pack a healthy punch with magnesium, potassium, iron, and zinc. Oh She Glows details how to roast the perfect pumpkin seeds for Halloween.