Minnesota AED Laws
Minnesota state laws for AEDs and defibrillators can all be found below for your research and convenience.
If you're looking for an easy and affordable way to ensure your AED program is fully compliant with Minnesota state laws, please review our AED Concierge Service. The program provides you with medical oversight and direction, ensuring you're ready to save a life when needed, you're AED program is fully compliant with all Minnesota state and federal laws, and that liability is kept to an absolute minimum.
Have a question regarding the Minnesota AED and defibrillator laws? Please let us know! Simply give us a call and/or send us an email, and any one of our team members will be more than happy to assist you in the development and support of your AED program.
Minnesota Revised Statutes § 604A.01
A person at the scene of an emergency who knows that another person is exposed to or has suffered grave physical harm shall, to the extent that the person can do so without danger or peril to self or others, give reasonable assistance to the exposed person. Reasonable assistance may include obtaining or attempting to obtain aid from law enforcement or medical personnel. A person who violates this subdivision is guilty of a petty misdemeanor.
(a) A person who, without compensation or the expectation of compensation, renders emergency care, advice, or assistance at the scene of an emergency or during transit to a location where professional medical care can be rendered, is not liable for any civil damages as a result of acts or omissions by that person in rendering the emergency care, advice, or assistance, unless the person acts in a willful and wanton or reckless manner in providing the care, advice, or assistance. This subdivision does not apply to a person rendering emergency care, advice, or assistance during the course of regular employment, and receiving compensation or expecting to receive compensation for rendering the care, advice, or assistance.
(b) For the purposes of this section, the scene of an emergency is an area outside the confines of a hospital or other institution that has hospital facilities, or an office of a person licensed to practice one or more of the healing arts under chapter 147, 147A, 148, 150A, or 153. The scene of an emergency includes areas threatened by or exposed to spillage, seepage, fire, explosion, or other release of hazardous materials, and includes ski areas and trails.
(c) For the purposes of this section, "person" includes a public or private nonprofit volunteer firefighter, volunteer police officer, volunteer ambulance attendant, volunteer first provider of emergency medical services, volunteer ski patroller, and any partnership, corporation, association, or other entity.
(d) For the purposes of this section, "compensation" does not include payments, reimbursement for expenses, or pension benefits paid to members of volunteer organizations.
(e) For purposes of this section, "emergency care" includes providing emergency medical care by using or providing an automatic external defibrillator, unless the person on whom the device is to be used objects; or unless the person is rendering this care during the course of regular employment, the person is receiving or expects to receive compensation for rendering this care, and the usual and regular duties of the person include the provision of emergency medical care.
"Automatic external defibrillator" means a medical device heart monitor and defibrillator that:
Subd. 5b.Defibrillator.(1) has received approval of its premarket notification, filed pursuant to United States Code, title 21, section 360(k), from the United States Food and Drug Administration;(2) is capable of recognizing the presence or absence of ventricular fibrillation or rapid ventricular tachycardia, and is capable of determining, without intervention by an operator, whether defibrillation should be performed; and(3) upon determining that defibrillation should be performed, automatically charges and requests delivery of an electrical impulse to an individual's heart.
"Defibrillator" means an automatic, semiautomatic, or manual device that delivers an electric shock at a preset voltage to the myocardium through the chest wall and that is used to restore the normal cardiac rhythm and rate when the heart has stopped beating or is fibrillating.
Update to Minnesota Statute, 2010, section 120B.236 amended to read:
(a) School districts must provide onetime cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automatic external defibrillator instruction as part of their grade 7 to 12 curriculum for all students in that grade beginning in the 2014-2015 school year and later. Training and instruction provided under this section need not result in cardiopulmonary resuscitation certification. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automatic external defibrillator instruction must include cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automatic external defibrillator training that has been developed:
(b) School districts may use community members such as emergency medical technicians, paramedics, police officers, firefighters, and representatives of the Minnesota Resuscitation Consortium, the American Heart Association, or the American Red Cross, among others, to provide instruction and training under this section. Community members are encouraged to provide needed training and instruction resources such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation kits and other materials at no cost to the school districts. A school administrator may waive this curriculum requirement for a high school transfer student regardless of whether or not the student previously received instruction under this section, an enrolled student absent on the day the instruction occurred under this section, or an eligible student who has a disability. If a school district request resources, the Minnesota Resuscitation Consortium must provide them to the district for instruction and training provided to the students under this section.(1) by the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross and incorporate psychomotor skills to support instruction; or(2) using nationally recognized, evidenced-based guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and incorporate psychomotor skills to support the instruction “Psychomotor skills” under this paragraph means hands-on practice to support cognitive learning; it does not mean cognitive-only instruction and training.