Posted by Administrator on 2/1/2012 to
AED News
We want to give a big shout out and congratulations to Starting Hearts for their feature in Denver's Channel 7 News! One of AEDs Today's first non-profit partners, Starting Hearts was founded by sudden cardiac arrest survivor Lynn Blake of Vail, Colorado. In addition to placing AEDs within communities and schools that may not be able to afford the devices on their own, Lynn and Starting Hearts have recently turned a donated bus into the "Heart Rod," a mobile training device to visit local cities and townships.
"We stripped all of the seats out so we could do CPR classes," said Blake. Starting Hearts received praise from local authorities for their work within Colorado.
"When you call 911 you get a pretty fast response, but you don't get an immediate response," said Ryan Sutter, a firefighter in Vail. "If you have someone there that can begin that process, that really increases their chance of survival."
Lynn's dream is to one day not only visit the entire state of Colorado, our home state here at AEDs Today, but to have a "Heart Rod" in every state in order to best increase awareness and preparedness nationwide.
"Sudden cardiac arrest is the leading killer. It affects more than 325,000 people every year. The majority of those lives could be saved," said Blake.
To read the article accompanying the feature on Denver's Channel 7 News, please visit here. For more information on Starting Hearts and/or to make a donation, visit them online at: