Posted by Dan Cromar on 11/25/2015 to
The Importance of AEDs
More colleges are choosing to put AEDs in their housing. In fact, many places require that college dormitories have AEDs. There are many ways that colleges can benefit from putting AEDs in their housing. Below is a list of reasons that every college dormitory should have an AED:
Sudden Cardiac Arrest Is Fairly Common
Men who are over the age of 45, and women who are over the age of 55 are at the greatest risk of going into cardiac arrest. However, it is estimated that 7,000 young people go into sudden cardiac arrest each year. There are a number of other factors that put a young person at risk for going into cardiac arrest. Some of those factors include high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and the use of illicit drugs. Family history of heart disease can also put a person at risk for sudden cardiac arrest.
Many people do not know that they have risk factors that put them at risk for sudden cardiac arrest. Furthermore, there have been many cases where healthy people with no risk factors have suffered sudden cardiac arrest.
The Paramedics Might Not Arrive Soon Enough
Most people have been trained to dial 911 if a medical emergency occurs. However, the paramedics may not arrive on the scene fast enough. The average 911 response time in America is nine minutes. A person's chances of surviving sudden cardiac arrest decreases by 10 percent every minute. Permanent brain damage can result in just a few minutes. If people wait for the paramedics to administer the first shock, then a person only has a five to seven percent chance of surviving.
AEDs Greatly Increase The Cardiac Arrest Survival Rate
If an AED is used within three minutes of sudden cardiac arrest, then a person has a 70 percent chance of surviving. A person's chance of surviving increases to 90 percent if the AED is used within one minute of sudden cardiac arrest. The American Red Cross has stated that 20,000 lives could be saved each year if AEDs were available in more places. They recommend that AEDs be placed in every place where there is a large gathering of people.
CPR Alone Is Not Enough
CPR is essential for treating sudden cardiac arrest. However, studies have shown that patients have the best outcome when CPR is used along with an AED. An AED does something that CPR cannot do. It delivers a shock to the heart, which restores normal heart rhythm when a person is in ventricular fibrillation. Ventricular fibrillation is a type of abnormal heart rhythm that is caused by uncoordinated, rapid contractions of the ventricles. The AED will analyze the heart rhythm and advise that one deliver a shock if necessary.
Very Simple To Use
AEDs are not only life-saving devices, but they are also simple to use. Most people can use an AED after completing a brief training. In fact, many CPR courses also include AED training. Most colleges offer CPR and AED training.